Monday, 8 October 2012

About Me

So, thought I best introduce myself (although presumably anybody who actually reads this will know who I am anyway...).

I'm Hannah and have just got married to Stephen. We got married in Harrogate and had a big party in Leeds, it really was the best day ever :)

Just Married!
More on the wedding another day maybe, hey it might even get it's own blog post!

I'm a structural engineer by day and like making things (knitting and sewing) by night. I also like drinking cider (lots of cider) and eating pizza. Stephen is a project manager and likes drinking beer (lots of beer). 

Ah, you were wondering the point of the blog?

The name (and previous post) probably gives the game away but we're moving to Hong Kong! In two days time! Hopefully this blog will become more interesting once we're there and actually have something to talk about... although I'm a bit worried I'll be working too hard for blogging!!

My clever husband came up with the name, since I'm a bit stupid and didn't realise that not only is a yarn a knitting term, but also relates to story telling. 

yarn  (yƤrn)
1. A continuous strand of twisted threads of natural or synthetic material, such as wool or nylon, used in weaving or knitting.
2. Informal A long, often elaborate narrative of real or fictitious adventures; an entertaining tale.
intr.v. yarnedyarn·ingyarns Informal
To tell an entertaining tale or series of tales.

So there you have it - Hong Kong Yarns - tales of Hannah & Stephen's adventures in Hong Kong (I'm hoping he'll be amenable to the odd 'guest' post...) and no doubt you'll get some stories of my knitting too :)

Will update tomorrow with packing progress.... currently Stephen has packed 2.5/3 bags, I have packed 0/2 bags, wish us luck!!

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