Oops - appear to have neglected the blog lately, although not really sure we've been doing much apart from working, eating and drinking! Stephen came back from India safe and sound Saturday morning and we had a very lazy weekend - finished off Dexter Season 4 (didn't like the ending much!!) and that's about it really!
Thought I should do a quick post about my latest knitting works in progress, given the name of the blog after all. As yet I haven't found any wool worth buying in Hong Kong but there's still plenty of places to explore so you never know... For now though it's all about ordering from the UK - postage can be expensive but the 20% automatic discount (don't have to pay VAT) evens it out nicely. A lot of the girls from knitting order from
Jimmy Beans in the US so might have to try that too.
First up - some socks, these have been on the go since last September but are finally complete!
One only looks a lot bigger than the other because I tried it on lots when making it! |
I made these with some wool I bought in New York back in March 2011 and a pattern from the Sock Innovation book Stephen bought me for my birthday last year - see I use things eventually! I did have grand plans to knit every pair of socks in the book but we shall see..
Another finished object - my lovely Snawheid hat!
Love this so much! Doesn't get much wear over here though. |
And what better to make with the leftovers? Some Snawpaws !
Cast on |
Growing |
Grafting the top! |
Finished :) |
Pretty |
Love it! |
Have cast on the other one and making slow progress, then will finish them both off with a cute little pom pom!
Central park hoodie is progressing nicely...
Working my way up the back |
Back finished, one front cast on |
Starting to look like something... |
Knitting the hood - think I'm happy with my decision not to carry the cables up, or should I have done!? |
Hood finito! |
Sleeve number 1 complete! |
Finished the first sleeve last night so will probably cast the second one on once I've finished writing this... after finishing my 5 crochet squares for the day obviously.
What crochet squares I hear you ask? Or most likely probably not! Anyway - remember this?
Obviously there's quite a lot of wool here so can make many things from it but the first project is going to be a baby blanket. I'm shamelessly copying a blanket Heather at
Little Tin Bird made (go look at her stuff - it's amazing!!!).
I've been making 5 squares a night and here's my progress as of a few days ago:
I'm making 5 in each of 17 colours so will have 85 squares in a few days, my aim is an 8 x 11 blanket so the astute amongst you will realise I'll then need to make another 3 squares. I'm waiting till I've got 85 to see how they look together and decide whether I should take the pink out - there's no baby in mind for the blanket so should probably keep it neutral? We'll see. I'm really enjoying making these, got them down to 10minutes a square including weaving in the ends so a nice portable project - one each morning and evening on the bus etc.
9pm here and time for Spooks - seem to have got strangely addicted to old UK shows (so behind here, on the final series now at least), current favourites include Spooks, Hotel Babylon and Hustle - remember them?!
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